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GOOD MORNING - What's on your mind TUESDAY
Good Tuesday morning everyone. Yesterday it hit 65 degrees and we spent time outside with the pups and doing a little yard work. I had forgotten what it was like to be warm! I am at the half way point on "Hello Spring" and I'll finish just in time for the first day in 9 days. No cooking today with leftover pot roast. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening
Today is Tuesday …………………..………………………../ Good Morning, MJ 💕
Time change...grr
Good Monday morning all! This time change truly messes with me! I am strongly opposed to it...leave it one way or the other, I don't care...just leave it alone! On a more pleasant note, I had a rather nice weekend..relaxing! By best friend came over & we went to antique stores & lunch. Had a very good talk - she is dealing with SO much in the after math of her son's passing. She shared quite a bit with me. I wish I could be of more help to her. But she is a strong woman and I know she will survive this. Like most of you all, as soon as I got home, my Snoopy lounge pants & t-shirt came on the rest of the evening and then almost all day yesterday. My GS spent the weekend with his other grandparents so my house felt empty without him. This time change looks like it bothers him too --had to knock on his bedroom door 3 times this morning before he crawled out of
Le-Anne, Happy Anniversary! i hadn't realized the pollen count was so high yet. Better keep a watch on it but I still plan to open some windows this week and get rid of the "winter-air" stuffiness in the house. Glad you had a good weekend.
I'm glad to catch up on all of you this morning since I rarely check over the weekend. Luv the pics, recipes, etc. posted!
Have a great day you guys -- stay safe! Hugs, Deb2
Betsy Ross Flag
Does anyone know where I can find a cross-stitch pattern for the Betsy Ross flag?
Olive vs lemon wedge
She tried to like it…picked it up, spit it out…for about an hour…
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening
Today is Monday ………………………………………………. Good Morning, MJ 💕
What my husband found in the mailbox…
Monday Smiles
Monday Potpourri
Snow Stick Together
Is that black and white graph patern
Snowman from heaven
Is this a black and white graph pattern
GOOD MORNING - What's on your mind MONDAY
Good Monday morning everyone and welcome to a new week. We have a warm up for the next few days and sunshine and it's very welcome. No errands today, but Wednesday we go for our annual blood draw a week before our annual wellness exams. Bryan getting ready for his colonoscopy on the 17th. April no better -- dentist, ophthalmologist, dermatologist and hopefully the medical stuff will be OK and behind us. Truly hoping we can get to the root of Bryan's issues. Today we will do a little yard clean up by raking some of the garden beds and later some stitching. I did order the "Meanie Weenies" (too cute) and the rock and roll sampler so I'm looking forward to getting those. Have a happy week!
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening
Today is Sunday ………………………………….……………. Good Morning, MJ 💕
Hi Chris j mom
You can email me at
2 birds
I don't see a supplies list for this item. Could you please send me one. Thanks
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