Antique Red Rooster Samplera Cross Stitch Pattern by Happiness Is Heartmade

Stitch Count
203w x 183h
Project Size
12.7" x 11.4" on 16cnt
16ct White Aida
Designed By:
Christy Ortiz
copyright: CEC, LLC
About this item
The Antique Red Rooster pattern was adapted from a French 19th Century pillow cover that was stitched with red cotton thread on a cotton plain weave fabric. The original needlework has the French phrase, "QUAND CE COQ CHANTERA MON A MITIE FINIRA" on it. This pattern booklet contains two options for the stitcher; to complete a project with the original French phrase, or with an alternate design using an alphabet developed from the letters in the original work. This pattern contains only whole stitches, and uses one thread color. The chart is in black and white. The pattern dimensions are 203w x 183h stitches, and the measurement on 16-count aida fabric is 12.69w x 11.44h.

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