Autumn Leaves Wall Quilt Block Fa Cross Stitch Pattern by Cross-Point Designs
Cross-Point Designs
Cross Stitch Patterns
Specialty Floss Patterns:
Specialty Floss Patterns
Stitch Count
65w X 65h
Project Size
4-1/4"w X 4-1/4"h
Weeks Dye Works
Weeks Dye Works Baby's Breath Linen
Designed By:
Janis Lockhart
Copyright (c) 2012
Pattern Supplies:
1225 Tigers Eye
1228 Pecan
1236 Mocha
1277 Collards
Note: There are 7 total suplies...
About this item
Sixth in a series of sixteen quilt blocks, this block features full cross stitches and back stitch outlining. The over dyed floss lends a realistic look to this leaf touched by the fall season.
DMC: 3857, 3860, 3362, 3052, 3828, 680, 434
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