Autumn On Lazy Bear Mountaina Cross Stitch Pattern by Kathy Barrick
Kathy Barrick
Cross Stitch Patterns
Stitch Count
413w x 269h
Project Size
22.9" x 14.9" on 36cnt (over 2)
36ct Linen
Designed By:
Kathy Barrick
Pattern Supplies:
169 pewter - lt
221 shell pink - vy dk
310 black
435 brown - vy lt
Note: There are 24 total suplies...
About this item
"Weep not for me my children dear. Angles weep when children mourn." Model stitched on 36 Ct. Buttercream by Lakeside Linens. Stitch Count: 419W x 269H.
I haven't started working on this pattern yet, but it is everything I'd hoped for in the picture. It came at a good price, on time and with helpful service. Recommend the pattern and the shop!
by: Sally on 7/8/2015
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