Baby Monster Thingies Collection was designed with the creative stitcher in
mind. Create your own funky colorful monsters and add witty sayings on it.
Frame it, put on cards, coasters, or key chains. The possibilities are endless!
Mini Cross Stitch Pattern: Baby Monster Thingies Collection II
Design Source: BabaPuff Baby
DMC Floss Colors: 2
Stitch Count: 44 x 44 (Ave each Baby Monster)
Approximate Finished Size on Recommended Fabric:*
14 count = 3 w x 3
16 count = 3 w x 3
18 count = 2 w x 2
22 count = 2 w x 2
*Patterns are in black and white symbols. Sizes do not include margins.
Ideally you should add 3" on all sides. Uses full stitches only.