Balls Bats & Baseball Hats That's What Little Girls Are Made Ofa Cross Stitch Pattern by Cross Stitch Wonders
Cross Stitch Wonders
Cross Stitch Patterns
Sports & Games
Stitch Count
128w x 158h
Designed By:
Marcia Manning
copyright: Cross Stitch Wonders
Pattern Supplies:
225 shell pink - ul vy lt
310 black
312 Baby Blue - vy dk
335 rose
Note: There are 12 total suplies...
About this item
A great design for any little girl! BALLS BATS & BASEBALL HATS THAT'S WHAT LITTLE GIRLS ARE MADE OF by Marcia Manning. Design is 128 stitches wide by 158 stitches high and uses 13 colors. Chart is a 4 page COLOR leaflet.
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