Be Still And Know - Psalm 46:10a Cross Stitch Pattern by Kitty & Me Designs
Kitty & Me Designs
Cross Stitch Patterns
Stitch Count
99w x 147h
Project Size
7.1" x 10.5" on 28cnt (over 2)
Sampler Threads
28ct Vintage Lugana
Designed By:
Pamela Kellogg
copyright: 2022, Pamela Kellogg
Pattern Supplies:
157 cornflower blue - vy lt
310 black
522 fern green
869 hazel nut brown - vy dk
Note: There are 5 total suplies...
About this item
Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God! This pretty primitive cross stitch sampler is worked in Sampler Threads by the Gentle Art to give the look of an antique sampler. DMC alternatives are included.
I just finished stitching this project. This was my first project after a 20+ year break from cross stitch. It is a little time consuming because of the size, but very easy to stitch. There are no back stitches or french knots (which I have never been able to do) and it uses only 5 colors. Would highly recommend it
by: KATHRYN on 3/9/2024
Be Still And Know Prayer cross stitch SKU 45698
It states this is worked on 28 ct. fabric. Could this be worked on ie: 14 or 18 ct.? Am I correct that the 28 ct. would be tiny, tiny squares?
Posted by: alice.driggers on 12/12/22(2 replies...)