Bears at their Besta Cross Stitch Pattern by Leisure Arts

DMC Floss
28ct. Antique White Cashel Linen
Designed By:
Leisure Arts
About this item
This book consists of 5 different cross stitch designs. Stitch counts and sizes are the following:

Shopping Bears: 142 x 143 stitched on 28ct. Antique White Cashel Linen. Design size 10 1/4 x 10 1/4.

Bears on Swing: 142 x 142 stitched on 28ct. Antique White Cashel Linen. Design size 10 1/4 x 10 1/4.

Listen To Your Heart: 197 x 168 stitched on 28ct. Antique White Cashel Linen. Design size: 14 1/8 x 12

Special People: 191 x 151 stitched on 28ct. Antique White Cashel Linen. Design size: 13 3/4 x 10 7/8.

Dancing Bears: 142 x117 stitched on 28ct. Antique White Cashel Linen. Design size: 10 1/4 x 8 3/8.

Each design has it's own color key and instructions that are in the book. DMC Floss is used for each design and designs include full stitches, backstitching, French knots, and half stitches.

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