All the designs are worked in whole cross stitch and backstitch in stranded cottons, so suitable for Aida. The smaller designs would make interesting projects for beginners and be quickly worked by the more experienced.
The pictures are:-
Friends are the sunshine of life - two white ducks and the sunrise, measures 7 by 8 inches over 14 count;
You're Special - a little bunny in a hat is worked over 56 by 92 stitches;
You're outstanding in your field - a rabbit in front of a picket fence with a number one sign is worked over 78 by 92 stitches;
I'm glad I can lean on you - a brown bear and a black bear worked over 104 by 92 stitches;
Together is best - two baby blue birds in a nest measures 7 by 5 inches over 14 count;
I know I'm efficient, tell me I'm beautiful - a blue bird wearing a hat is worked over 85 by 126 stitches;
You're the best of the bunch - ( as illustrated) worked over 113 by 77 stitches;
The way to the house of a friend is never long - two little kittens visiting is worked over 113 by 126 stitches;
Happiness is a good friend - with two puppies is worked over 128 by 102 stitches.
The 16 page booklet has the large scale charts and instructions.
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