Bible Verse Pattern: Call Unto Me - Jeremiah 33:3 KJVa Cross Stitch Pattern by Happiness Is Heartmade

Stitch Count
86w x 58h
Designed By:
Christy Shuhy Ortiz
copyright: CEC, LLC
About this item
Call Unto Me - Jeremiah 33:3 ( KJV ) is a pink and green floral design based on the Bible verse Jeremiah 33:3, "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." The chart is done in black and white symbols, and uses a colored line to show backstitching. This design has whole cross stitches, back stitching, and French knots. Stitch Count: 86w x 58h; Design Size on 14-Count Aida: 6.14"w x 4.14"h; Design Size on 16-Count Aida: 5.38"w x 3.63"h. Check for other similar Bible Verse designs by this designer, in this series.

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