Weeks Dye Works, Gentle Art Sampler Thread and Crescent Colours (or all DMC Floss)
30ct. Confederate Gray Linen
Comes with button
Designed By:
Bent Creek
Pattern Supplies:
1091 Whitewash
1127 Skinny Dip
1277 Collards
1304 Onyx
Note: There are 12 total suplies...
About this item
Model stitched on 30 Ct. Gray linen with Weeks Dye Works, Gentle Art Sampler threads, and Crescent Colours floss (or all DMC 936, 3012, 3865, 3371, 950, 434, 930, 801, 841, 345, 223, 3821). Stitch Count: 91 x 118. Comes with button.
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