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State samplers
Wow do I feel duped! I thought I was getting 4 southern states patterns but only a border! Paid $12.00+ For a useless border. How disappointing and though I should have apparently read closer, is disappointing. Jeez
Posted by: Nn on 07/07/21(8 replies...)
South Carolina Little State Pattern
There is a display of the South Carolina Little State pattern with the border pattern, but pattern is not listed to order with other stat patterns. Is there one available for order? Thank you.
Posted by: Goose21 on 09/10/15(3 replies...)
State Sampler Kit
Is this 3 state kit include what is shown or is it just the 3 or more states that you select? I guess my question is, does the border pictured the one that is part of the 3 state kit? Or are the 3 states separate and you create a border you like or put in a colage?
Posted by: gschwind26 on 12/09/16(1 reply...)
number of pictures
In the description it says border for 5 samplers, but the photo shows only 4. Just wanted to check if those dimensions are for 4 or 5 states. Thanks