I bought this combo because my friend had a client whose daughter had a turtle. My friend wanted this as a Christmas gift, but the turtle died, so that idea was scrapped. However, after spending $20 on the pattern, I decided to do it anyway. It was less expensive to purchase the combo instead of the individual patterns.
I will say the amounts of supplies listed for the combo is definitely NOT accurate. I have been stitching mine on 18 count Aida and it takes nearly a full skein of the green used in the shells and heads of all the turtles for each design. Other colors still require multiples, but not to the same extent.
One thing I did notice about these patterns that was quite different from any pattern I've ever done was the detail backstitching. It often starts in the middle of a square and rarely lands on a corner point. I've never seen that in any pattern to this extent. This aspect is what makes me rate this project as easy versus very easy. Otherwise, these are relatively easy, quick projects. I will be mounting mine on a batting wrapped piece of cardboard which will then be velcroed in the middle of a fabric "matte" and then to a white washed slatboard. That way they can be changed out monthly.
Also, if you plan on putting the month on the same piece as the turtle as opposed to two separate pieces, then you need to factor that in to the size of material you cut. On an 18 count without words, I cut my fabric at 9x9 and that gives me enough border to work with. I use a 4 inch hoop for my pieces. Hope this helps.
by: Peggy Sue on 3/8/2022