Beautiful Weekend
This past weekend was beautiful. The weather was 60 degrees and the sun was shining. My Uncle's funeral service was beautiful with the Army Honor Core playing TAPPS and folding the American Flag. That gets me every time. I am mesmerized by the folding of the flag, such precision, and grace. Also, Independent Order of the Odd Fellows did a tribute and service to him. Got some cross stitch in on Sunday. Nice to sit and relax and get some stitching done!
Happy Stitching!
Posted by: ladyj117 on 02/20/17
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I am so sorry to hear of your uncle's passing, but I agree, the military services are very special. Glad the weather held out for you. It was truly beautiful here in northern Ohio this weekend and it made me long for Spring. Unfortunately, we usually pay for good February weather in March! Happy stitching! Linda
Posted by: lkgraham on 02/20/17
Thank you so much, Linda. I hear ya March could come in like a lion because we have been so spoiled with a warmer, less snowy winter.
Posted by: ladyj117 on 02/20/17
Linda don't know where you live but here in NW Ohio where I live the Winter has been very mild compared to the usual Winters. it is supposed to be in the 60's all this week and I love that. My dog Smoke loves it too since he likes to play in my fenced in back yard and sometimes just lay in the sun.

So sorry about your uncle's passing. Military funerals are very beautiful.
Posted by: syagel on 02/20/17