Coat of Arms Richard the Lionhearta Cross Stitch Pattern by PinoyStitch

Stitch Count
144w x 198h
Project Size
10.3" x 14.1" on 14cnt
14 Count Royal Blue Aida
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About this item
Richard I was King of England from 1189 until his death in 1199. He was known
as Richard the Lionheart because of his reputation as a great military leader and
warrior. Stitch the Richard I Coat of Arms and add regal charm to your home!

Cross Stitch Pattern: Coat of Arms Richard the Lionheart
Design Source: Sodacan
DMC Colors: 12
Stitch Count: 144 x 198
Approximate Finished Size on Recommended Fabric:*
14 count = 10 w x 14 h Inches
16 count = 9 w x 12 h Inches
18 count = 8 w x 11 h Inches
22 count = 7 w x 9 h Inches
*Pattern sizes do not include margins. Ideally you should add 3" on all sides. Uses full
cross stitches only.

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