Cocktail: Bloody Marya Cross Stitch Pattern by PinoyStitch
Cross Stitch Patterns
Stitch Count
87w x 86h
Project Size
6.2" x 6.1" on 14cnt
DMC Floss Colors: 8
14 Count Aida
Designed By:
Pinoy Stitch
Pattern Supplies:
307 lemon
310 black
321 christmas red
Charles Craft, Inc. 14ct Aida, White (12" x 18")
Note: There are 12 total suplies...
About this item
Celebrate your favorite cocktail drink in cross stitch! A fun project for the mature stitcher. Recipe courtesy of
Mini Cross Stitch Pattern: Cocktail: Bloody Mary
Design Source: Pinoy Stitch
DMC Floss Colors: 8
Stitch Count: 87 x 86
Approximate Finished Size on Recommended Fabric:*
14 count = 6w x 6h
16 count = 5w x5 h
18 count = 5w x 5h
22 count = 4w x4h
*Pattern is colored symbols. Sizes do not include margins.
Ideally you should add 3" on all sides. Uses full stitches, and backstitches for text and accents.
Did this a long time ago for my hairdresser, who loves Bloody Marys. Well received and stitched up fairly quickly.
by: Elizabeth on 3/14/2024
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