Raven Silhouettesa Cross Stitch Pattern by Pine Glen Designs

Designed By:
Pine Glen Designs
copyright: 2011
About this item
"Blackest feathers like the night," will send stitches' needles into flight. This set of 5 raven silhouettes is the perfect collection for those unafraid of  life on the dark side of the sky.

Also needed to complete this pattern is 30310 Black Rayon thread from DMC.

"Flying Ravenv #1" stitch count: 66 x 59

"Flying Raving #2" stitch count: 60 x 85

"Standing Raven" stitch count: 79 x 50

"Perched Raven" stitch count: 68 x 63

"Detailed Raven" stitch count: 96 x 96

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