I’ve not actually stitched these yet, but the pattern is easy to read and they will be darling when I have time to do them!
by: Debra on 9/7/2023
Such beautiful projects
I just got this last week and I LOVE it. Can't wait to get them all stitched. I love the blue used for the finished projects. Hope it will be easy to find when the time comes. Will also use pink, yellow and green to finish mine.
by: Sherri on 5/3/2023
Cute pictures
This pattern does have a mistake in one of the pictures-I believe it’s in the grass area-I did email the designer about this and she did respond but I don’t see that she posted a correction on her website-it’s fairly easy to spot the error and use the correct colour as there are not huge numbers of floss to choose from
by: Liisa on 3/17/2020
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