Elemental Dragons Eartha Cross Stitch Pattern by Ink Circles

Stitch Count
115w x 115h
Project Size
7.2" x 7.2" on 32cnt (over 2)
Gloriana Silks
32ct. Lima Bean Belfast Linen from Mystic Fabrics
Designed By:
Ink Circles
About this item
Model stitched over 2 threads on 32 Ct. Lima Bean Belfast linen from Mystic Fabrics (or fabric of your choice) with Gloriania Silk Floss. Stitch Count: 115W x 115H. Finished size 7 1/4" x 7 1/4".

Gloriana Silks are used for this project. You will need 3 skeins of Gloriana Silk Floss #211 Antique Black. We do not carry the specific thread and fabric that this design uses so we can not list those items in our online supply listing.

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