Faith Of The Hearta Cross Stitch Pattern by With Thy Needle & Thread

Stitch Count
203w x 103h
over 2 threads on 35 Ct. Classic Homespun linen by R&R Reproductions
Designed By:
With The Needle & Thread
About this item
"God finds a low branch for the bird that cannot fly" Model stitched over 2 threads on 35 Ct. Classic Homespun linen by R&R Reproductions with Weeks Dye Works floss, Gentle Art Sampler threads, Classic Colorworks floss & Valdani floss. Stitch Count: 203W x 103H. Color chart.

**These will not be listed in supplies box but needed for this pattern**
Qty 1: Valdani 6-Ply Thread - Khaki Olive
Qty 1: Valdani 6-Ply Thread - Medium Brick
Qty 1: Valdani 6-Ply Thread - Faded Rust Dark
Qty 1: Valdani 6-Ply Thread - Terra Cotta Twist

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