Felis is an absolutely beautiful piece of art that will guarantee you hours and hours of cross stitching pleasure. With 25 pages of pattern and almost 80 colors, you should not expect finished results anytime soon. There are frequent color changes and often only one or two stitches of a particular color are used in a 10 x 10 pattern square. I have been working on my Felis for almost a month, 5 to 6 hours a day, and have only finished the top 4 rows of pages 1 thru 5. My only complaint, several of the colors are almost identical, and despite the added work of frequent thread changes and pattern checks, they end up looking like the exact same color on the finished product (one example: 310-black and 939-navy blue). However, the finished work looks exactly like the picture you see here (something I do not always find when ordering a kit/ pattern), and it is beautiful. Happy stitching. My Felis is calling.........
by: Cindy on 7/16/2020