Flower Hootie Sunny Sunflowera Cross Stitch Pattern by PinoyStitch

Stitch Count
73w x 70h
Project Size
5.2" x 5" on 14cnt
14 Count Aida
Designed By:
Jessica Weible Adaptation
About this item
This adorable Hootie invite you to relax and smell the flowers. Afterall,
life is to enjoy, so have a hoot!

Mini Cross Stitch Pattern: Flower Hootie Sunny Sunflower
Design Source: Jessica Weible Adaptation
DMC Floss Colors: 12
Stitch Count: 73 x 70
Approximate Finished Size on Recommended Fabric:*
14 count = 5 w x
16 count = 5 w x
18 count = 4 w x
22 count = 3 w x
*Pattern is in color. Sizes do not include margins.
Ideally you should add 3" on all sides. Uses full stitches, and backstitches for accents.

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