French Flower Carta Cross Stitch Pattern by JBW Designs
JBW Designs
Cross Stitch Patterns
Specialty Floss Patterns:
Specialty Floss Patterns
Quick & Easy Projects
Stitch Count
66w x 72h
Classic Colorworks and Weeks Dye Works floss
over 2 threads on 32 Ct. Cream French Polka dots linen
Designed By:
JBW Designs
Pattern Supplies:
1193 Guacamole
1237 Swiss Chocolate
1277 Collards
2196 Scuppernong
Note: There are 9 total suplies...
About this item
Model stitched over 2 threads on 32 Ct. Cream French Polka dots linen with Classic Colorworks and Weeks Dye Works floss (or DMC 935, 522, 3347, 3348, 815, 600, 603, 818, 434). Stitch Count: 66W x 72H.
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