Friendships Bearsa Cross Stitch Pattern by Kooler Design Studio
Kooler Design Studio
Cross Stitch Patterns
Downloadable Patterns:
Downloadable Patterns
Teddy Bears
Stitch Count
216w X 133
Project Size
15 3/8w X 9 1/2h"
White 14 ct. Aida
Designed By:
Linda Gillum
copyright: Kooler Design Studio, Inc.
Pattern Supplies:
208 lavender - vy dk
209 lavender - dk
211 lavender - lt
310 black
Note: There are 32 total suplies...
About this item
Play imaginary dress-up with these cuddly little bears. They are so cute and fuzzy. They would be sure to please the young at heart in your life. Enjoy this group of bears playing dress up and expressing their thoughts on friendship.
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