Fruit Of The Spirita Cross Stitch Pattern by Plum Street Samplers

Stitch Count
145w x 103h
Project Size
9.1" x 6.4" on 32cnt (over 2)
Needlepoint Silk Threads (not available on our website) or all DMC Floss
32ct. Vintage Sand Dune Linen
Designed By:
Plum Street Samplers
About this item
"The fruit of the spirit is Love, Joy, Peace." Model stitched on 32ct. Vintage Sand Dune Linen using Needlepoint Silk Threads and Silk N Colors.

DMC floss alternates are 223 301 310 353 3787 520 642 676 729 902 3345 3346 3371 3790 3802 3858 3859 ecru 154 315. Stitch count is 145 X 103.

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