Gingerbread Mice Stockinga Cross Stitch Pattern by Kooler Design Studio
Kooler Design Studio
Cross Stitch Patterns
Christmas Stockings
Stitch Count
149w x 219h
Project Size
10.6" x 15.6" on 14cnt
White 14ct. Aida
Designed By:
Sandy Orton
copyright: Kooler Design Studio, Inc.
Pattern Supplies:
304 christmas red - md
310 black
312 Baby Blue - vy dk
DMC 14ct Aida, White (18" x 30")
Note: There are 40 total suplies...
About this item
All of the sweet treats you would like to eat and then some. Busy little mice are decorating for Christmas on our Gingerbread Mice stocking. Our classic stocking comes with alphabet and directions for assembly.
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I am wondering if this pattern is available where the toe of the stocking is facing the other side.
All my stockings for this family that I am making, the toe is facing the left hand side.
Posted by: wenchsride on 02/09/17(1 reply...)
Christmas stocking
I would like to do this stocking but it is the wrong way I need the foot the other way. Is there any way this can be transposed as all the other four are the other way that I have done for my family