Wichelt Imports 28ct Cashel Linen, Cream (13" x 18")
Note: There are 19 total suplies...
About this item
To believe in yourself and in what you can do is to take the first step on the road to success. Has room for the graduate's name and school. Includes key and lamp of learning charms.
I made this for my son. I changed the cap color to green for his school colors. I didn't use linen as I can't see it. The adia worked very well and it turned out wonderfu!.
by: Brenda on 5/7/2019
First time I stitched on 28-count linen, so it was harder than expected, but it came out really nice.
by: Barbara on 6/4/2008
Can anyone read what is on the pattern?
I have hit the enlarged button but I still can't read what it says. It would be nice if some one can tell me what it says.
I run into this problem a lot using the enlargement button
Posted by: jksmith.quincy.pa on 03/19/17(1 reply...)
The saying
Can you please let me know what the saying on the Graduate cross stitch says. The image I have is too small to read and it looks like something i would like to make if i like the saying.
Thank you.
Posted by: ddoran on 02/05/16(1 reply...)
Additional charms
How do I order additional charms for "The Graduate"?
Posted by: vi on 01/19/16(1 reply...)
How would I......
I want to stitch this twice, for two different people.....how would I get a second set of the charms (key & learning lamp)?? I looked here for additional ones but didn't see any on the "beads & charms" page. Anyone?