Inappropriate Cats - Halloween Collectiona Cross Stitch Pattern by BAD Stitch

Stitch Count
55w x 55h
Stitch Count
4,677 full cross stitches
Designed By:
Amanda DeLong
copyright: © 2023 BAD Stitch. All rights are reserved.
About this item
Inappropriate Cats - Halloween Edition is a collection of six cross stitch patterns of black cats doing inappropriate things! Black cats are always causing trouble, like running away with a zombie hand, hissing at candy corn, knocking over your potions, laying on your spellbook, tossing around a skull, and gnawing on a pumpkin. The patterns are all under 64 stitches wide / tall and can be easily finished in hoops, as ornaments, or other creative finishes. They all use the same DMC color palette. The printed patterns are in full color with color blocks and distinct symbols for easy visibility. Models are shown stitched on 18ct 'Sloth' by WitchsGardenCrafts, and attached to a spiderweb frame from the craft store.

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