Java Goddessa Cross Stitch Pattern by Artists Alley

Stitch Count
118w x 206h
Project Size
8.4" x 14.7" on 28cnt (over 2)
Wichelt 28 count Jobelan Hand Dyed- Lemon 429520 or African Daisy429507
Designed By:
Artists Alley
copyright: Artists Alley 2003 All rights reserved
About this item
Original Artwork by Amy K. Brown.
Stitched originally with DMC floss and then over layed with Kreinik specialty threads. Specialty threads are stitched with one thread but if you want more shine you can always double up. Kreinik on the spoon is as follows: over floss 414 use kreinik blending filment #025; on floss 762 use kreinik #101; on the remainder of the spoon use #001; On the coffee cup we have used kreinik #002; the steam over the coffee cup and around the goddess is adorned with kreinik #1432 over DMC 3756 and 775.

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