Kreinik Tapestry Braid (#12)

Needlepointers, this is the perfect braid for you! Kreinik Metallic Tapestry Braid is slightly thinner than Kreinik Medium Braid, yet slightly thicker than Kreinik Fine Braid. The soft and lustrous, yet strong Tapestry Braid is perfect for blackwork, needlepoint (14-20 canvas), cross stitch (11-16 aida), smocking, tatting, crochet, embroidery, machine sewing, Brazilian embroidery and quilting. This thread will not ravel and is easy to use. Hand washable and dry cleanable.
Click Here for info regarding Out of Stock Kreinik items.
Kreinik Threads:
We can’t find Kreinik floss available anywhere. Believe us, we have looked! We're sorry, but we've been waiting months for replacement inventory. According to the Kreinik website:
"It has been taking longer than usual to make threads. An avalanche of problems is getting cleared away now and shipping times should improve soon."
We apologize for the avibility issues here at ECS, but we simplay can't find stock and honestly, are not sure when these items will be available.
Due to these challenges, we can’t take orders for threads currently out of stock. We appreciate your patience while we do our best to make these products available.