Ladybugs and Bumblebees - DMC alternate for CCW
HELP! I was about to begin this project BUT I need to know what DMC colour I can substitute for the Classic Colorworks 'Dandelion Stem'. The instructions on the chart state there is no substitute for this colour but because the chart is from 2005, I checked various websites with CCW to DMC conversions to see if this had changed but it hasn't - no DMC conversion for Dandelion Stem!
With the COVID-19 restrictions it takes weeks to get an order or I would order the Dandelion Stem. It's impossible to get an accurate look at the colour shown for Dandelion Stem on a computer screen, so I'm reaching out to all of you hoping someone who works with the CCW colours may be able to give me a DMC colour that would compare or be similar - it doesn't have to be exact.