Leaping Dolphinsa Cross Stitch Pattern by Artecy Cross Stitch
Artecy Cross Stitch
Cross Stitch Patterns
In the Ocean
Stitch Count
284w x 152h
Project Size
20.3" x 10.9" on 14cnt
36 DMC Cotton Colours
White Aida (any Count)
Designed By:
Artecy Cross Stitch
Copyright of Artecy Cross Stitch
Pattern Supplies:
159 gray blue - lt
162 blue - ul vy lt
311 navy blue - md
DMC 14ct Aida, White (18" x 30")
Note: There are 39 total suplies...
About this item
This counted cross stitch pattern of Dolphins was designed from the beautiful artwork of Robin Koni. Original image licensed through Meiklejohn Graphics Licensing. Only full cross stitches are used in this pattern.
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