Let's Go Campinga Cross Stitch Pattern by Imaginating

Stitch Count
121w x 124h
Project Size
8.6" x 8.9" on 14cnt
14ct White Aida
Designed By:
Ursula Michael
About this item
This word art design by Ursula Michael is perfect campers and scouts alike! This design comes with an alphabet and number line so you can personalize a special camping trip or add the name of your special scout!Let's Go Camping is designed to be stitched on 14ct White Aida fabric and uses 5 different colors of floss.
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Member Reviews:

This pattern comes together somewhat quickly since most of the stitching is backstitching. I changed a few of the words to portray my thoughts on camping that were different than stated on the pattern, but was able to use the style of the letters to figure out how to change the letters to what I wanted. My family was impressed since this was one of my first cross-stitching attempts. Really fun to stitch with the different fonts and little pictures.
by: Cara on 5/9/2018

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