Beautiful - but sooo intricate
In the end my stalking was beautiful - I wish there was a way to upload photos for the final product. Didn't rate it 5 stars, though, as I think the pattern could be improved. I would have liked more than a black and white pattern for something with 89 colors. I scanned and spliced the many pages of the pattern together to print on one giant sheet (a must in my opinion). I flipped the pattern to match another stalking I had already done, which caused the symbols to be slightly blurry. I don't think it would have been as bad if I had gone from the original or not flipped. All the detail is done with colors alone (no back stitching) and in my opinion it could have been created with many fewer colors. Sometimes I would put stitch the new color next to another and literally could not tell the difference between the two. But again, final product is beautiful. I'd estimate that it took me about 400 hours to complete.
by: Brittani on 1/11/2022