Mother's Lovea Cross Stitch Pattern by Mindful Needle, The

Stitch Count
74w x 102h
Project Size
4.9" x 6.8" on 30cnt (over 2)
30ct. Soft Blue Rainbow Collection Linen
Designed By:
Mindful Needle, The
About this item
Cross stitch pattern from Mindful Needle featuring the phrase "The love between a mother and daughter is forever"!

Pattern is stitched on 30 ct Soft Blue Rainbow Collection linen by Primitive Hare using Classic Colorworks and Weeks Dye Works floss. Stitch count is 74 x 102.

*We do not carry the specific fabric that the designer used for the cover model nor do we carry a close alternate in 30 count. Because of this, a fabric for this project will not be listed in our supplies listing. You can use any count or color of fabric you would like for this project but the model fabric is listed above.

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