Nantucket Girl's Samplera Cross Stitch Pattern by Plum Street Samplers

Stitch Count
422w x 242h
Project Size
21.1" x 12.1" on 40cnt (over 2)
Designed By:
Plum Street Samplers
About this item
"The Nantucket Girl's Song 1821. Then I'll haste to wed a sailor and send him off to sea, for a life of independence is the pleasant life for me. But every now and then I shall like to see his face, for it always seems to me to beam with manly grace. With his brow so nobly open and his dark and kindly eye, oh my heart beats fondly towards him whenever he is nigh. But when he says 'Goodbye my love, I'm off across the sea,' first I'll cry for his departure, then laugh because I'm free."

Model stitched over 2 threads on 40 Ct. Vintage Buttercream linen.

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