Old Crowsa Cross Stitch Pattern by Imaginating

Stitch Count
195w x 61h
Project Size
13.9" x 4.4" on 14cnt
14ct Lite Fiddler
Designed By:
Diane Arthurs
About this item
This leaflet includes the chart and instructions.   The floss, fabric and any other supplies required to complete the project are purchased separately.
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Member Reviews:

Perfect project to stitch at the begining of Autumn
Two strands gives fine coverage on 14 count....except for the black......make sure that you use three strands.
by: Debbie on 9/8/2023
This was another fun project. I took liberty to add a “murder “ of crows all the way across the project using just simple back stitches. The owner loves it. Her and some girlfriends refer to themselves as crows, an acronym, but I can’t remember for what.
by: doreenpeterson on 9/5/2023
These were too cute to pass up.
by: Elizabeth on 11/19/2016

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