Peaceful Tranquility (Large)a Cross Stitch Pattern by Artecy Cross Stitch
Artecy Cross Stitch
Cross Stitch Patterns
Tranquil Scenes
Stitch Count
550w x 413h
Project Size
39.3" x 29.5" on 14cnt
86 DMC Cotton Colours
14ct White Aida
Designed By:
Artecy Cross Stitch
Copyright of Artecy Cross Stitch
Pattern Supplies:
159 gray blue - lt
161 gray blue
166 md lt moss green
DMC 14ct Aida, White (36" x 60")
Note: There are 89 total suplies...
About this item
This counted cross stitch pattern was designed from the beautiful Artwork of Abraham Hunter, licensed through MHS Licensing. (THIS IS THE LARGE VERSION) Only full cross stitches are used in this pattern. It is a black and white symbol pattern.
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Cross stitch
I found a large cross stitch on sale. It is stamped. There are two sizes I see, what is the actual size of the project and does the sale price include the aida fabric? It is called Peaceful Tranquility. Price 17.79