How to treat
This is the one that I am thinking about. I've started just a small part of it on 14 ct as suggested and I don't like the coverage with two threads so I would have to use 3 on 14 count. If I stitch it in 18 ct with 2 threads, coverage is great. If stitched 14 count the size is 18 x 14. Stitched on 18 count is 13 x 10. It seems to me that the 13 x 10 size is so much smaller and the detail would be smushed into a smaller area and would be lost unless you were standing up real close to it. So I'm not sure what to do.
Then, if I stitch it on 14 ct., how do I stop and start with 3 threads. I like to use a loop, but with 3 threads, say if I took one looong thread and folded it twice across itself, I could start with a loop and have one loose end on the back. Maybe that would work. But I would not want to use 3 separate threads and have 3 ends flopping about on the back side. And to start or end by running 3 threads under a line of stitching...wouldn't that make it bulky? And the waste not way of starting would also have 3 threads with stitches on top of them...bulky?
I'd love to know how you stitch with 3 threads. I've never done that before and I can't imagine how it wouldn't just end up bulky and bumpy.
And if stitched on 18 count with 2 threads, then would that do the detail justice since the stitched area would be so much smaller?