Ruffled Feather'sa Cross Stitch Pattern by Kooler Design Studio
Kooler Design Studio
Cross Stitch Patterns
Downloadable Patterns:
Downloadable Patterns
Farm Animals
Stitch Count
82w x 172h
Project Size
5.9" x 12.3" on 14cnt
White 14ct. Aida
Designed By:
Linda Gillum
copyright: Kooler Design Studio, Inc.
Pattern Supplies:
301 mahogany - md
304 christmas red - md
310 black
Charles Craft, Inc. 14ct Aida, White (12" x 18")
Note: There are 29 total suplies...
About this item
This barnyard bunch will keep your friends crowing about this refreshing fresh eggs design. A colorful rooster struts about with his head held high as he guards the hen house. The Kooler Design Team of designers has been creating cross stitch designs for over 30 years.
Colorful project, fun to stitch, some parts of the backstitch were hard to do. Fence was done with silver metallic thread. Finishes really cute.
by: Karla on 9/27/2023
Feather fun!
Cute piece that is adorable on my country kitchen coffee bar. Fun to do all the different breed of chickens. Pattern has a good amount of back and straight stitching for the outlines and the coup hay. The final touch of the coup chicken wire was much easier than I thought it would be.
by: Martha on 9/8/2023
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