Samplers Of Hope & Peacea Cross Stitch Pattern by Dragon Dreams Inc.

Stitch Count
30w x 140h
Project Size
2.4" x 11.2" on 25cnt (over 2)
25ct. Zweigart Millennium or Colonial Blue
Designed By:
Dragon Dreams
About this item
Designs stitched over 2 on 25ct. Zweigart Colonial Blue (or Millennium Blue) Lugana with 2 strands of DMC Floss or speciatly threads. Stitch count: 30 wide x 140 high.

Our supply list contains the DMC equivilants to the specialty threads that are used in this design. We do not carry all of the specialty threads that are needed but we do have all of the DMC Flosses available. If you are wanting to do this design using the specialty threads, here is what you will need:
One skein of Eggplant Caron Waterlilies Silk
One skein of each of the following Rainbow Gallery threads:
Rose Splendor Silk S824
Green Splendor Silk S830
Aqua T-132 Tiara Metallic
Petite Silver Treasures Braid
RG-H602 Gold Highlights
One skein of each of the following DMC Flosses: White, 310, 414, 415 and 742

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