Silent Night Cardinalsa Cross Stitch Pattern by Stoney Creek
Stoney Creek
Cross Stitch Patterns
Specialty Floss Patterns:
Specialty Floss Patterns
Stitch Count
106w x 104h
Project Size
7.6" x 7.4" on 28cnt (over 2)
DMC, Gentle Art Sampler Threads, Glissen Gloss Rainbow Thread and Mill Hill Beads
28 Ct. Smokey Pearl Cashel linen
Designed By:
Stoney Creek Collection
Pattern Supplies:
310 black
347 salmon - vy dk
640 beige gray - vy dk
Wichelt Imports 28ct Cashel Linen, Smokey Pearl (13" x 18")
Note: There are 37 total suplies...
About this item
"Silent Night, Holy Night." Model stitched on 28 Ct. Smokey Pearl Cashel linen with DMC or Anchor floss, Gentle Art Sampler threads, Glissen Gloss Rainbow Blending thread, and Mill Hill beads. Stitch Count: 106W x 104H
I did the 1st one on 14 count aida misty blue but would not fit in the frame I purchased from Sudberry House. The 2nd one is almost done and I used 16 count and am pretty sure that will fit. It was easy to stitch except I hate doing snowflakes--but it was worth it. If you like cardinals this is the one for you.
by: pam on 8/6/2019
I love this!
This was a joy to do! It's so pretty and I might make one for both of my sister next year. I wish you sold the frame to this but you can't have everything in stock.
by: pam on 2/7/2019
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