Spring Flowers In Vasea Cross Stitch Pattern by Imaginating

Stitch Count
92w x 142h
Project Size
6.6" x 10.1" on 14cnt
14ct White Aida
Designed By:
Ursula Michael
About this item
These beautiful flowers are ready to bloom and blossom up your household!Spring Flowers In Vase is designed to be stitched on 14ct White Aida fabric and uses 21 different colors of floss.
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Member Reviews:

Incorrect Instructions
I got halfway through stitching this item before I realized that there were "center arrows" on BOTH the top and bottom pages of the pattern. Obviously not correct. That meant I didn't have enough fabric to finish the project. I ended up throwing away weeks of work.
by: Sandra on 9/9/2023
Fun, easy, and looks very nice.
I am just completing this pattern. It is easy and has gone quickly. The outlining really brings it to life. I know my friend will love it!
by: Mary on 6/24/2023
