Model stitched on 36 Ct Examplar by Lakeside linens. Stitch count 64x64. This design requires the following supplies:
Silk Floss by Gloriana Threads:
#240 Bellagio Red
#045 Lacquered Gold
#214 Thistle Orange
Mill Hill Beads by Wichelt Imports:
42027 Champagne
Charm by Jupiter Accessories:
AG Scissors
Belle Soie by Classic Coloworks:
Weathered Vine
Silk N'Colors by The Thread Gatherer
#975 Meadowgrass
#111 Old Lace
This design also uses the following stitch types:
Bargello Stitch, Rhodes Heart, Scotch Stitch, Starburst flower head, Hungarian Stitch, Algerian eyelet, Brick Stitch and Satin Flower. Leaflet includes instructions and diagrams for stitch types, backstitching and placement.