The Lord’s Prayera Cross Stitch Pattern by Kooler Design Studio
Kooler Design Studio
Cross Stitch Patterns
Downloadable Patterns:
Downloadable Patterns
Stitch Count
154w x 196h
Project Size
11" x 14" on 14cnt
14ct White Aida
Designed By:
Sandy Orton
copyright: Kooler Design Studio, Inc.
Pattern Supplies:
224 shell pink - vy lt
319 pistachio green - vy dk
333 blue violet - vy dk
DMC 14ct Aida, White (15" x 18")
Note: There are 35 total suplies...
About this item
The Lord's prayer has so much meaning for Christians throughout the world, and this exquisitely detailed design features the prayer in its entirety. What a wonderful gift this counted cross stitch piece would make!
It is a very intricate and lovely picture when it is finished.
by: Deb on 10/25/2023
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