Pattern Name:The Seafarer’s Journey
Designed By:Nursun Kanber
Company:NNK BV Holland
Copyright:Twin Peak Primitives
Aida 14, Linen 28 Ice Blue
Zweigart Cashel Linen (Zweigart 3281)
111w X 108h Stitches
Size: 14 Count,28 Count 20.14w X 19.59h cm
(7 5?/64w x 7 ²³/32h inch)
• The model stitched by Banu Karakaya on 28 Ice Blue Zweigart Cashel Linen
(Zweigart 3281) as 2 over 2.
• There are 14 different colors on the pattern and all called for DMC.
• 1 skein requires for each of the color.