Tribal Penguina Cross Stitch Pattern by White Willow Stitching
White Willow Stitching
Cross Stitch Patterns
In the Ocean
Stitch Count
62w x 133h
Project Size
4.4" x 9.5" on 14cnt
2 Skeins DMC 310, 1 Skein DMC white
Any count
Designed By:
Jamie Larson
copyright: 2011 Jamie Larson
Pattern Supplies:
310 black
3865 winter white
Note: There are 3 total suplies...
About this item
The model for Tribal Penguin was stitched over 2 on 28ct Little Boy Blue Lugana using 2 skeins of DMC 310 and 1 skein of DMC white. The chart can be stitched any count using your favorite floss and fabric colors.
Will be doing Pengiun as if he's an Emperor penguin as a gift to my niece's husband. Am looking forward to doing this piece.
by: Doris on 6/6/2013
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