What the Cat Saw: Troubled Watersa Cross Stitch Pattern by Lola Crow Cross Stitch
Lola Crow Cross Stitch
Cross Stitch Patterns
Stitch Count
87w x 87h
26 DMC colors
Designed By:
Lola Crow Cross Stitch
copyright: 2021, Dreaming Amelia Designs, LLC
Pattern Supplies:
470 avocado green - lt
500 blue green - vy dk
597 turquoise
598 turquoise - lt
Note: There are 26 total suplies...
About this item
A cat sees strange things while staring out of the window. In this ocean scene, a ship is engulfed by a kraken. Muted color chart for easy readability. Pattern leaflet size: 8.5 x 11 inches.
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