White Pumpkin Housea Cross Stitch Pattern by Shannon Christine Designs
Shannon Christine Designs
Cross Stitch Patterns
Houses & Mansions
Stitch Count
51w x 53h
DMC, Kreinik
Mill Hill Beads
Designed By:
Shannon Wasilieff
copyright: Shannon Wasilieff
Pattern Supplies:
150 dusty rose - ul vy dk
642 beige gray - dk
644 beige gray - md
775 baby blue - vy lt
Note: There are 18 total suplies...
About this item
White Pumpkin House is part 5 of an 8 part series, The Fairy Garden Collection. Frame work and bonus chart "Fairies Welcomes" available on my website www.ShannonChristine.com/downloads for shops or customers to download if wanted.
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