Country Garden in Januarya Cross Stitch Pattern by Country Garden Stitchery
Country Garden Stitchery
Cross Stitch Patterns
Specialty Floss Patterns:
Specialty Floss Patterns
The Garden
Stitch Count
68w x 68h
Project Size
4.9" x 4.9" on 28cnt (over 2)
Gentle Art Sampler Floss
28 ct. white linen
Mill Hill Seed Beads #02070
Designed By:
Cathie Richardson
copyright: 2006
Pattern Supplies:
Cameo Pink
Wichelt Imports 28ct Cashel Linen, White (13" x 18")
Note: There are 10 total suplies...
About this item
Three pale blush pink tulips in planters to have flowers in winter. Stitched with soft shades of Gentle Art Sampler floss with a small amount of back stitching and beading. This is one pattern in a series of twelve; one for each month of the year. They each have a small flower or garden design and are all the same size for easy finishing with framing or sewing.
Once again, though I really like the unique patterns by Country Gardens, I find the grid symbols difficult to read and follow.
by: Lisbeth J on 10/26/2023
by: Linda on 8/6/2015
I'm doing this now for a b'day gift. I love the soft colors - pastels without being "cutesy."
by: sherry on 12/5/2013
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